Wednesday, December 19, 2012

World/Inferno Friendship Society with O'Death and My Graveyard ...

Tue. Dec. 18 | Two of cabaret music's most unstable forces ? genre gyroscopes World/Inferno Friendship Society and O'Death, both from Brooklyn ? join New Orleans y'all-ternative rockers My Graveyard Jaw for a hoedown showdown. At Siberia.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday Treats Are Even Better When You Destroy Them in Slow Motion

Conan O'Brien probably understands the absurdity of slow-motion destruction porn better than anyone else. But really, we've never seen anything like Andy Richter dressed as Santa getting doused by an ocean of egg nog in slow motion. So sticky. So good. Bless you, Conan. [Devour] More »


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Movie review: Hopkins cuts a fine figure in 'Hitchcock' | The Salt ...

This film image released by Fox Searchlight shows Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock in "Hitchcock." (AP Photo/Fox Searchlight, Suzanne Tenner)

Review ? Story behind ?Psycho? a fun time for movie lovers.

"Hitchcock" is a movie lover?s movie ? a fun, free-wheeling look at the creation of a classic movie and a tender profile of the little-known life of a Hollywood legend.

Of course, the legend is Alfred Hitchcock, and director Sacha Gervasi and screenwriter John J. McLaughlin catch the "Master of Suspense" at a suspenseful crossroads. As the movie begins, it?s 1959 and Hitchcock (played by Anthony Hopkins) is coming off the success of his latest film, "North by Northwest," and casting about for his next project.




Anthony Hopkins impersonates the great director in a behind-the-scenes drama loaded with treats for movie lovers.

Where ? Broadway Centre Cinemas.

When ? Opens Friday, Dec. 14.

Rating ? PG-13 for some violent images, sexual content and thematic material.

Running time ? 96 minutes.

The studios, being studios, offer him variations on the tried-and-true. (He rejects a pitch to adapt Ian Fleming?s "Casino Royale," with Cary Grant as James Bond, saying, "I?ve already made that movie. It?s called ?North by Northwest.??") Instead, he becomes fascinated with Robert Bloch?s novel about a murderer, based on the real-life case of killer Ed Gein. The novel?s title: Psycho.

The studios are repulsed by the idea, saying they won?t bankroll what is essentially a schlocky B-grade horror movie. But Hitchcock persists, arguing that horror movies are deemed unworthy because a really good director has never made one.

Hitchcock has support in his corner: his agent, Lew Wasserman (Michael Stuhlbarg), and, most important, his wife, Alma Reville (Helen Mirren). Alma is Hitch?s toughest critic, best sounding board, shrewdest editor and smartest casting director (she suggests Hitchcock cast Janet Leigh ? smartly played here by Scarlett Johansson ? based on her performance in Orson Welles? "Touch of Evil"). She also has endured decades of Hitchcock?s obsessions over blond starlets and the slights that come with life in the great man?s shadow.

Mirren is utterly winning as Alma, even though she?s saddled with the movie?s silliest melodrama. This involves Alma, feeling left out of Hitchcock?s world, spending time on a writing project with an old acquaintance, screenwriter Whitfield Cook (Danny Huston) ? who may have amorous intentions toward her.

The best parts of "Hitchcock" come when Gervasi (whose previous credit is the rock documentary "Anvil! The Story of Anvil") immerses us in the life on the set. Johansson is joined by solid performances from James D?Arcy (as the nervous and deeply closeted Anthony Perkins) and Jessica Biel (as co-star Vera Miles, a former Hitchcock favorite reduced to second-tier status). Movie fans will gobble up the rich backstage details of filming "Psycho" and Hitchcock?s efforts to get it past the censors. And Gervasi has embedded sly references to eight Hitchcock classics, just for the heck of it.

Mostly, "Hitchcock" lets Sir Anthony Hopkins play while we watch. His impersonation of the director?s avuncular cadences is dead-on, his chemistry with Mirren is charming, and his connection to Ed Gein (who also was an inspiration for "The Silence of the Lambs") adds a layer of ironic wit. Somewhere, Hitch is probably enjoying a good chuckle.

Twitter: @moviecricket

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Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Foreclosure Discounts : States To Find The Best Foreclosure Bargains

Mortgage rates and markets change constantly. Stay 100% current by taking The Mortgage Reports by email each day. Click here to get free email alerts, or subscribe to the RSS feed in your browser.

Foreclosure Discount by State, QE 2012

Buying a foreclosed home can be a terrific way to get a "deal". Foreclosed homes typically sell at steep discounts as compared to comparable homes not in foreclosure.

In its latest quarterly report, foreclosure-tracker RealtyTrac shows the states in which foreclosed homes are most deeply discounted.

For real estate investors and first-time buyers, RealtyTrac's data is especially useful.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.

Foreclosures : 1 In 5 Home Sales Nationwide

Foreclosure-related home sales accounted for 19% of home resales between July-September 2012, according to RealtyTrac's latest?quarterly report. This represents?roughly no change from the quarter prior.

There were 193,000 homes sold in some stage of foreclosure last quarter.

The three stages of foreclosures are Notice of Default, Scheduled Auction, and Bank Repossessions. The former two are known as "pre-foreclosure". The latter is the actual foreclosure event. In Q3 2012, for the first time since five years, the number of homes sold in pre-foreclosure outnumbered those sold by banks.

The average price of a pre-foreclosure home was 27 percent lower than a non-foreclosure residential property last quarter. ?These homes required an average of 359 days to sell after beginning the foreclosure process.

Bank-owned homes, by contrast, sold for an average 38% discount over non-foreclosure homes and required 186 days to sell, on average, after the original date of foreclosure.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.

Connecticut Leads Foreclosure Discounts

Foreclosure discounts -- like most things in real estate -- are a local phenomenon. Depending on where you live, or where you buy, your discount for buying a distressed home will vary.

Last quarter, the eastern seaboard was the best place to get a foreclosed-home discount. Of the top 10 states in terms of foreclosure discounts, six were located on the East Coast, north of Virginia.

Last quarter's Top 10 states for foreclosure discounts were :

  1. Connecticut : 46.97% discount over non-foreclosed hoe
  2. Massachusetts : 46.50% discount over non-foreclosed home
  3. Ohio : 45.16% discount over non-foreclosed home
  4. Illinois : 42.90% discount over non-foreclosed home
  5. Georgia : 42.38% discount over non-foreclosed home
  6. Maryland : 42.20% discount over non-foreclosed home
  7. Rhode Island : 42.02% discount over non-foreclosed home
  8. New Jersey : 41.06% discount over non-foreclosed home
  9. Kentucky : 40.55% discount over non-foreclosed home
  10. District of Columbia : 40.16% discount over non-foreclosed home

Interestingly, however, of the three states in which foreclosure sales were most prevalent, none appeared on the "biggest discount list".

In those three states -- Georgia, California, and Arizona -- foreclosure sales accounted for 38%, 36% and 34% of all home resales in Q3 2012.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.

Buying Foreclosures? Get Pre-Approved.

For buyers of foreclosed homes, it's helpful to have a mortgage pre-approval before making a bid. The foreclosure purchase process can move quickly at times, and it's often good to know you'll be approved for the home for which you're bidding.

This is as true for first-time home buyers using the 3.5% downpayment program via an FHA mortgage as it is for real estate investors planning to use the 5-10 Properties Program. Properties in foreclosure and pre-foreclosure require quick action.

Get started with a mortgage rate quote online.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.


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All about law, legal and justice: Role of Attorney in Civil and Criminal ...

Role of Attorney in Civil and Criminal Litigation. According to Article 1 of Law No. 1. 16 Year 2004 on the Indonesian Attorney General ("Attorney Act"), the prosecutor is a functional official authorized by law to act as prosecutor and implementing court decisions that have permanent legal force as well as authorized by law. Duties and powers of criminal prosecution in the fields referred to in Article 30 paragraph (1) of Law Attorney, among others:?

a. prosecution;
b. carry out the determination of the judge and court decisions that have permanent legal force;
c. supervise the enforcement of criminal probation, the criminal verdict supervision, and conditional decisions off;
d. to investigate certain offenses under the law;
e. complete a particular case file and therefore can perform additional checks before transferred to the court that the implementation is coordinated with investigators.
Thus, the duties and authority of the prosecutor is a prosecutor and executor (executor) court decisions that have permanent legal force in the criminal case. For civil cases, executing court decisions that have permanent legal force bailiffs and clerks is chaired by the chief justice (see Article 54 paragraph [2] Law no. 48 of 2009 on Judicial Power).

Then, what is the authority of the prosecutor in the civil field? The relationship is a relationship between the civil society members are usually based on the agreement. Prosecutors can play a role in a civil case if the State or government is a party and the prosecutor is empowered to represent. It is based on the provisions of Article 30 paragraph (2) of the Prosecutor, which reads:
"In the field of civil and administrative, with a special power of attorney to act both in and out of court for and on behalf of the state or government."?Thus, the prosecutor's role is different in the realm of criminal and civil laws. In a criminal case, the prosecutor acts as prosecutor and implementing court decisions that have powered fixed. While in civil cases, the prosecutor acts as the power of the State or the government inside and outside the court on civil matters.
Legal basis:1. Law No. 16 Year 2004 on the Indonesian Attorney
2. Law No. 48 Year 2009 on Judicial Power


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Adobe Lightroom 4.3 Adds Retina Support, New Lens Profiles For Apple iPhone 5 And iPhone 4S

lightroom-retinaAdobe has released the full version of Lightroom 4.3, which adds some nice new features for Mac fans and Apple aficionados. Previously, Adobe had released a beta version of the update for testing, but now the final is out there and available for download, either by going to the Adobe Lightroom website or opening the image management software and getting the prompt to update.


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