Wednesday, December 19, 2012

World/Inferno Friendship Society with O'Death and My Graveyard ...

Tue. Dec. 18 | Two of cabaret music's most unstable forces ? genre gyroscopes World/Inferno Friendship Society and O'Death, both from Brooklyn ? join New Orleans y'all-ternative rockers My Graveyard Jaw for a hoedown showdown. At Siberia.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday Treats Are Even Better When You Destroy Them in Slow Motion

Conan O'Brien probably understands the absurdity of slow-motion destruction porn better than anyone else. But really, we've never seen anything like Andy Richter dressed as Santa getting doused by an ocean of egg nog in slow motion. So sticky. So good. Bless you, Conan. [Devour] More »


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Movie review: Hopkins cuts a fine figure in 'Hitchcock' | The Salt ...

This film image released by Fox Searchlight shows Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock in "Hitchcock." (AP Photo/Fox Searchlight, Suzanne Tenner)

Review ? Story behind ?Psycho? a fun time for movie lovers.

"Hitchcock" is a movie lover?s movie ? a fun, free-wheeling look at the creation of a classic movie and a tender profile of the little-known life of a Hollywood legend.

Of course, the legend is Alfred Hitchcock, and director Sacha Gervasi and screenwriter John J. McLaughlin catch the "Master of Suspense" at a suspenseful crossroads. As the movie begins, it?s 1959 and Hitchcock (played by Anthony Hopkins) is coming off the success of his latest film, "North by Northwest," and casting about for his next project.




Anthony Hopkins impersonates the great director in a behind-the-scenes drama loaded with treats for movie lovers.

Where ? Broadway Centre Cinemas.

When ? Opens Friday, Dec. 14.

Rating ? PG-13 for some violent images, sexual content and thematic material.

Running time ? 96 minutes.

The studios, being studios, offer him variations on the tried-and-true. (He rejects a pitch to adapt Ian Fleming?s "Casino Royale," with Cary Grant as James Bond, saying, "I?ve already made that movie. It?s called ?North by Northwest.??") Instead, he becomes fascinated with Robert Bloch?s novel about a murderer, based on the real-life case of killer Ed Gein. The novel?s title: Psycho.

The studios are repulsed by the idea, saying they won?t bankroll what is essentially a schlocky B-grade horror movie. But Hitchcock persists, arguing that horror movies are deemed unworthy because a really good director has never made one.

Hitchcock has support in his corner: his agent, Lew Wasserman (Michael Stuhlbarg), and, most important, his wife, Alma Reville (Helen Mirren). Alma is Hitch?s toughest critic, best sounding board, shrewdest editor and smartest casting director (she suggests Hitchcock cast Janet Leigh ? smartly played here by Scarlett Johansson ? based on her performance in Orson Welles? "Touch of Evil"). She also has endured decades of Hitchcock?s obsessions over blond starlets and the slights that come with life in the great man?s shadow.

Mirren is utterly winning as Alma, even though she?s saddled with the movie?s silliest melodrama. This involves Alma, feeling left out of Hitchcock?s world, spending time on a writing project with an old acquaintance, screenwriter Whitfield Cook (Danny Huston) ? who may have amorous intentions toward her.

The best parts of "Hitchcock" come when Gervasi (whose previous credit is the rock documentary "Anvil! The Story of Anvil") immerses us in the life on the set. Johansson is joined by solid performances from James D?Arcy (as the nervous and deeply closeted Anthony Perkins) and Jessica Biel (as co-star Vera Miles, a former Hitchcock favorite reduced to second-tier status). Movie fans will gobble up the rich backstage details of filming "Psycho" and Hitchcock?s efforts to get it past the censors. And Gervasi has embedded sly references to eight Hitchcock classics, just for the heck of it.

Mostly, "Hitchcock" lets Sir Anthony Hopkins play while we watch. His impersonation of the director?s avuncular cadences is dead-on, his chemistry with Mirren is charming, and his connection to Ed Gein (who also was an inspiration for "The Silence of the Lambs") adds a layer of ironic wit. Somewhere, Hitch is probably enjoying a good chuckle.

Twitter: @moviecricket

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Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Foreclosure Discounts : States To Find The Best Foreclosure Bargains

Mortgage rates and markets change constantly. Stay 100% current by taking The Mortgage Reports by email each day. Click here to get free email alerts, or subscribe to the RSS feed in your browser.

Foreclosure Discount by State, QE 2012

Buying a foreclosed home can be a terrific way to get a "deal". Foreclosed homes typically sell at steep discounts as compared to comparable homes not in foreclosure.

In its latest quarterly report, foreclosure-tracker RealtyTrac shows the states in which foreclosed homes are most deeply discounted.

For real estate investors and first-time buyers, RealtyTrac's data is especially useful.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.

Foreclosures : 1 In 5 Home Sales Nationwide

Foreclosure-related home sales accounted for 19% of home resales between July-September 2012, according to RealtyTrac's latest?quarterly report. This represents?roughly no change from the quarter prior.

There were 193,000 homes sold in some stage of foreclosure last quarter.

The three stages of foreclosures are Notice of Default, Scheduled Auction, and Bank Repossessions. The former two are known as "pre-foreclosure". The latter is the actual foreclosure event. In Q3 2012, for the first time since five years, the number of homes sold in pre-foreclosure outnumbered those sold by banks.

The average price of a pre-foreclosure home was 27 percent lower than a non-foreclosure residential property last quarter. ?These homes required an average of 359 days to sell after beginning the foreclosure process.

Bank-owned homes, by contrast, sold for an average 38% discount over non-foreclosure homes and required 186 days to sell, on average, after the original date of foreclosure.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.

Connecticut Leads Foreclosure Discounts

Foreclosure discounts -- like most things in real estate -- are a local phenomenon. Depending on where you live, or where you buy, your discount for buying a distressed home will vary.

Last quarter, the eastern seaboard was the best place to get a foreclosed-home discount. Of the top 10 states in terms of foreclosure discounts, six were located on the East Coast, north of Virginia.

Last quarter's Top 10 states for foreclosure discounts were :

  1. Connecticut : 46.97% discount over non-foreclosed hoe
  2. Massachusetts : 46.50% discount over non-foreclosed home
  3. Ohio : 45.16% discount over non-foreclosed home
  4. Illinois : 42.90% discount over non-foreclosed home
  5. Georgia : 42.38% discount over non-foreclosed home
  6. Maryland : 42.20% discount over non-foreclosed home
  7. Rhode Island : 42.02% discount over non-foreclosed home
  8. New Jersey : 41.06% discount over non-foreclosed home
  9. Kentucky : 40.55% discount over non-foreclosed home
  10. District of Columbia : 40.16% discount over non-foreclosed home

Interestingly, however, of the three states in which foreclosure sales were most prevalent, none appeared on the "biggest discount list".

In those three states -- Georgia, California, and Arizona -- foreclosure sales accounted for 38%, 36% and 34% of all home resales in Q3 2012.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.

Buying Foreclosures? Get Pre-Approved.

For buyers of foreclosed homes, it's helpful to have a mortgage pre-approval before making a bid. The foreclosure purchase process can move quickly at times, and it's often good to know you'll be approved for the home for which you're bidding.

This is as true for first-time home buyers using the 3.5% downpayment program via an FHA mortgage as it is for real estate investors planning to use the 5-10 Properties Program. Properties in foreclosure and pre-foreclosure require quick action.

Get started with a mortgage rate quote online.

Click here to see today's mortgage rates.


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All about law, legal and justice: Role of Attorney in Civil and Criminal ...

Role of Attorney in Civil and Criminal Litigation. According to Article 1 of Law No. 1. 16 Year 2004 on the Indonesian Attorney General ("Attorney Act"), the prosecutor is a functional official authorized by law to act as prosecutor and implementing court decisions that have permanent legal force as well as authorized by law. Duties and powers of criminal prosecution in the fields referred to in Article 30 paragraph (1) of Law Attorney, among others:?

a. prosecution;
b. carry out the determination of the judge and court decisions that have permanent legal force;
c. supervise the enforcement of criminal probation, the criminal verdict supervision, and conditional decisions off;
d. to investigate certain offenses under the law;
e. complete a particular case file and therefore can perform additional checks before transferred to the court that the implementation is coordinated with investigators.
Thus, the duties and authority of the prosecutor is a prosecutor and executor (executor) court decisions that have permanent legal force in the criminal case. For civil cases, executing court decisions that have permanent legal force bailiffs and clerks is chaired by the chief justice (see Article 54 paragraph [2] Law no. 48 of 2009 on Judicial Power).

Then, what is the authority of the prosecutor in the civil field? The relationship is a relationship between the civil society members are usually based on the agreement. Prosecutors can play a role in a civil case if the State or government is a party and the prosecutor is empowered to represent. It is based on the provisions of Article 30 paragraph (2) of the Prosecutor, which reads:
"In the field of civil and administrative, with a special power of attorney to act both in and out of court for and on behalf of the state or government."?Thus, the prosecutor's role is different in the realm of criminal and civil laws. In a criminal case, the prosecutor acts as prosecutor and implementing court decisions that have powered fixed. While in civil cases, the prosecutor acts as the power of the State or the government inside and outside the court on civil matters.
Legal basis:1. Law No. 16 Year 2004 on the Indonesian Attorney
2. Law No. 48 Year 2009 on Judicial Power


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Adobe Lightroom 4.3 Adds Retina Support, New Lens Profiles For Apple iPhone 5 And iPhone 4S

lightroom-retinaAdobe has released the full version of Lightroom 4.3, which adds some nice new features for Mac fans and Apple aficionados. Previously, Adobe had released a beta version of the update for testing, but now the final is out there and available for download, either by going to the Adobe Lightroom website or opening the image management software and getting the prompt to update.


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Friday, November 9, 2012

Club Sports Spotlight ? Equestrian Club | SIUE Campus Recreation ...

We caught up with Amanda Hyett, president of the Equestrian Club about her experiences riding at SIUE! Did you know, this year at Preview Day, many prospective students expressed interest in joining this outstanding organization.

When was the Equestrian Club established at SIUE?
The Equestrian Club began in the Fall of 2008 by Leslie Harmon.

When did you start riding horses?
I have been riding ever since I can remember. We have always had horses, so it can be difficult to say exactly when I started.

Why did you join the club organization at SIUE?
I joined because I was actively showing while in high school, and discovered the opportunity to continue that while still in college.

What is your favorite thing about participating in the Equestrian Club at SIUE?
Meeting other people who share a similar passion. I wouldn?t have met, and be the person I am today if it weren?t for the people I have met through the Equestrian Club.

How often does the club get together to ride horses?
Mostly it is done independently through our riding coach, but we try for one group trail ride a semester.

What is it like to travel and compete against different schools?
A little nerve raking! Everyone is so good, and you never know what kind of ride you are going to have because you never know what kind of horse you will get.

What is your favorite memory participating in the Equestrian Club?
Car rides to shows! So early, but so worth it!

What is the club most looking forward to this year?
Getting everything moving in a fluid and forward motion!

What if someone is interested in joining Equestrian Club? How can they find more information?
They can email our club email and I will personally get back to them!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Maher Bashes Both Candidates On Twitter: ?I?ve Seen Wider Ideological Differences Between Jehovah?s Witnesses?

Most of HBO host Bill Maher?s tweets during tonight?s third and final presidential debate consisted of mocking GOP candidate Mitt Romney and declaring him the ?loser? of the debate.

But echoing a sentiment later expressed by several cable news personalities, at one point Maher took a swipe at the two candidates for sounding exactly the same on their foreign policy ideas, failing to draw any true distinction between their positions.

?I?ve seen wider ideological differences between Jehovah?s Witnesses,? he remarked via Twitter during the debate.

Following the debate, Fox News liberal commentator Joe Trippi remarked that the debate felt like ?the big hug,? as Romney seemed to agree with Obama on most major foreign policy issues.

? ?
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Stock splits by year in the S&P 500


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Another Excellent Article from Dr. Laura Ruby | Todd Burrier

How a Wellness Focus Benefits Anxiety (from Laura Ruby?s Blog)

Wellness is a term without a true definition. Some people define wellness as a type of lifestyle dedicated to healthier living, including fitness and healthy eating. Others attribute it more towards a mindset ? a life that is geared in the direction of being both spiritually and emotionally fulfilled. Still others believe it is a combination of all factors, and true wellness is about your ability to simply perfect who you are in terms of smart decision making, healthy living, and life passion.

Yet no matter how you define wellness, it?s clear that wellness?has a positive effect on anxiety. The positive mental health benefits of wellness are so pronounced that?more than 80%?of all Fortune 500 companies are currently utilizing some type of wellness program, because wellness cuts down on lost work time, improves productivity, reduces turnover, and more.

The Effects of Wellness on Anxiety

It doesn?t matter how you personally define wellness ? every component of wellness systems is geared towards living with less stress, and each one has known benefits for providing relief from daily anxiety. Consider the following components:

Fitness is one of the clearest ways that wellness benefits anxiety. Some studies have found that exercise itself is as powerful as some anti-anxiety medications, with particular emphasis on?its release of endorphins?? neurotransmitters that are strongly believed to affect mood. Fitness also burns stress hormones, and maintains a healthier body chemistry ? all extremely important for controlling anxiety.

Healthy eating is also important for controlling anxiety. Heavy, fattening, oil-rich foods affect breathing patterns and energy levels, all of which are important for relieving stress and improving quality of life. Smart eating also improves self-confidence, and provides nutrients which may help regulate your mood and prevent health issues.

Spiritual fulfillment is a broad term, and affects each person on an individual level that is hard to quantify. Perhaps a better term is ?mindfulness? ? the ability to be in touch with your own emotions in order to control them. Techniques that tap into spirituality, such as yoga and meditation, are all designed to provide some sense of mindfulness and spirituality, which is also highly beneficial for controlling anxiety levels.

Goal setting is its own personal therapy as well. Goal setting aligns individuals with a purpose, and by focusing the person?s energies on tasks, it prevents the mind from wandering towards negative thoughts and living life as a day to day chore. The accomplishment that comes from reaching goals can also create a level of fulfillment that is beneficial for stress and anxiety.

Finally, many wellness programs focus on giving the person back some type of internal motivation in life. There is often a coaching component that is designed to be more uplifting and help someone regain their own mental energy. Personal passion is also beneficial for anxiety, because it ensures that you?re staying consistently mentally active, often with other positive emotions like hope. Those that have regained their passion for life use their minds more, are generally positive thinkers, and are able to withstand some of life?s stresses.

Wellness and Anxiety

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hundreds of military collectibles will be sold live and online by ...


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PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 18, 2012 -
(BOUCKVILLE, N.Y.) ? Hundreds of military items from multiple wars and generations will be offered Nov. 16-17 by Mohawk Arms in a live and Internet auction billed as Militaria Auction #68. The sale will be held in Mohawk Arms? Bouckville gallery (located on Route 20 in central New York state, not far from Interstates 90 and 81) and online, via

? ?Internet bidding is also available on the Mohawk Arms website ( and phone, fax and left bids will also be accepted. ?This auction is packed with ethnographic items, headgear, art, exotica, Americana, uniforms, swords, edged weapons, decorative veterans? flags, military steins, medals, books, pistols and more,? said Raymond Zyla, owner of Mohawk Arms.

? ?All lots have been assigned modest opening bids (?OB?). In the ethnographic category (Asian armor, weapons and miscellaneous items), noteworthy lots include an interesting 17th century Indo-Persian helmet in a basic bowl shape, profusely chiseled with gold washed figures (OB: $2,500) and an early 19th century Japanese Edo period armor in great shape (OB: $5,000).

? ?From the same category is a 19th century Persian Pesh-Kabz armor piercing dagger with ivory grips having inlaid bands with a linear design, and an 11 ? inch ?T? back blade that tapers to a point (OB: $500); and a late 19th century Menangkabu knife made in Sumatra, made from an intricately carved rhino horn and simulated hoof handle, with 9 ? inch curved blade (OB: $250).

? ?Two mid-1930s German Nazi helmets are expected to do very well. One is a 1934 double decal SS VT/SD helmet with the original field gray finish showing some wear and the ?Fat rune? SS decal and swastika shield decals subdued from age (OB: $3,000). The other is a Normandy pattern 1934 camouflage helmet with white swastikas painted on the sides and front (OB: $850).

? ?Nazi exotica will feature Adolf Hitler?s proof copy of the large format pictorial volume Deutschland, with the inside cover having Hitler?s personal library bookplate and the upper right corner of the flyleaf showing Hitler?s abbreviated signature (OB: $2,000); and a Nazi officer?s uniform, rare, from the SS branch in charge of security at concentration camps (OB: $12,500).

? ?Collectors of Japanese Samurai swords will be intrigued by Gen. Hatazo Adachi?s World War II surrendered samurai sword, dated March 1942, with white rayskin grip, with ?a 25 ? inch clean blade and photos of Adachi?s surrender (OB: $5,000); and the sword surrendered by Rear Adm. Nobukagu Yoshimi on Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands, in 1945, with archive (OB: $3,500).

? ?Medals presented to American heroes will include a lot of nine badges and medals from Sgt. Daniel S. Steinbach, a member of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment and the 101st ?Screaming Eagles,? killed in action June 6, 1944 (OB: $2,500); and the silver Masonic Military Lodge medal awarded to Capt. E.G. Quincy of the Civil War 43rd Mass. Regiment (OB: $1,750).

? ?Returning to Nazi items, the auction will also feature a propaganda leaflet distribution rocket, similar to a V-2 in appearance, 55 inches tall and complete with soiled parachute and bundle of blank leaflet-size papers still inside (OB: $850); and the SS peaked cap of SS officer Dr. Rudolf Jacobsen, made of a doeskin-like material and with a black velvet band (OB: $4,000).

? ?Other items in the exotica category will include a silver pokol (bowl) presented by Prince Heinrich of Prussia to H. Haas, having an elaborate composition incorporating a standing figure holding a family shield coat-of-arms (OB: $1,250); and an SS photo album with photos of Hitler with Mussolini, Heinrich Himmler with staff, and children wearing Nazi helmets (OB: $2,800).

? ?Special and miscellaneous items will feature a lot of three U.S. World War I standards from the 107th Field Artillery Battalion, with a handwritten account regarding their history by E. F. Wood, Battalion Commander (OB: $1,000); and a U.S. Marines World War II Squadron 223 pilot?s coffee mug with painted artwork showing a bulldog wearing boxing gloves (OB: $100).

? ?Olympics memorabilia and militaria will merge with the lot of three automobile pennants acquired by an American college student while traveling in Germany during the 1936 Olympic games, plus a maker-marked Olympic pin (OB: $275). Also sold will be a ?Reale Automobile Club d?Italia? auto plaque from 1936, still attached to the original bumper bracket (OB: $100).

? ?Offered at opening bids of $100 or less will be an oval German Third Reich Automobile enameled auto plaque, with eagle and swastika; an enameled Salzburger Automobile Club auto plaque with crowned medieval coat-of-arms over the Salzburg Castle; an ?Automobilklub Von Tirol? auto plaque; and a large blue enameled cog wheel made for the ?Osterr: Automobil Club.?

? ?Rounding out just some of the sale?s expected top lots will be a porcelain character stein of Kaiser Wilhelm II, with the Guarde du Corps helmet for a lid and an eagle for a top, marked ?Musterschultz? (OB: $1,200); and the personal straight razor of the World War I hero of the American Expeditionary Force, Gen. John J. Pershing, etched with ?Black Jack? (OB: $300).

? ?Previews will be held at the Mohawk Arms gallery, on Route 20 in Bouckville, every Monday through Friday leading up to Nov. 16, from 9-5 (EST), and on sale days (Nov. 16-17), from 8-9 a.m. The first gavel will come down both days at 9 a.m. A buyer?s premium, which can range from 10 percent-17.5 percent depending on the final price, will be applied to all purchases.

? ?Mohawk Arms, Inc., is always accepting quality consignments for future auctions. To consign a single item, a collection or an entire estate, you may call them at (315) 893-7888; or, you can e-mail them at To learn more about Mohawk Arms, Inc., and the Nov. 16-17 Auction #68, log on to Updates are posted often.

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Obama accuses Republican rival of suffering "Romnesia"

FAIRFAX, Va./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama turned his rival's name into an ailment on Friday, accusing Mitt Romney of suffering from "Romnesia" for emphasizing moderate positions rather than the conservative ones he put forward in the Republican primary race.

Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has closed a gap in opinion polls with the Democratic incumbent after giving a strong performance in the first presidential debate on October 3, when he sounded a moderate note on healthcare reform and the need for government regulation - highlights of Obama's platform.

After a lackluster showing in that debate, Obama has delivered fiery retorts since, both in the second debate on October 16 - which many observers say Obama won - and on the campaign trail, with the election looming on November 6.

Obama told a crowd of about 9,000 in the election battleground state of Virginia that Romney has been backtracking on his conservative-leaning promises.

"He's forgetting what his own positions are, and he's betting that you will, too. I mean, he's changing up so much and backtracking and sidestepping, we've gotta ... name this condition that he's going through," Obama said.

"I think it's called Romnesia," he said to hoots and applause from the crowd.

Romney responded at an oceanfront rally with a crowd of about 8,500 people in Daytona Beach, Florida, saying: "They've been reduced to petty attacks and silly word games."

"Just watch it, the Obama campaign has become the incredible shrinking campaign. This is a big country with big opportunities and great challenges, and they keep on talking about smaller and smaller things," Romney added, saying Obama has "no agenda for a second term."


The Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll had Obama ahead by 3 percentage points much of this week. Obama was again on top by 46 percent to 43 percent in Friday's version of the online poll.

Although Obama has lost his large lead in polls in several swing states since the first debate, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll issued on Friday showed the Democrat ahead in Iowa by 8 percentage points and in Wisconsin by 6 percentage points.

A PPP survey showed Romney ahead by 1 percentage point in Iowa, as polls gave few certainties to the outcomes of the race beyond pointing to a likely tight finish.

A CNN/ORC International poll conducted after the second presidential debate showed 49 percent of likely voters in the battleground state of Florida supporting Romney and 48 percent supporting Obama.

In an election mainly driven by the economy, new state unemployment data issued on Friday could provide momentum for Obama in some of the most important battleground states.

Unemployment fell in September in pivotal states such as Florida, Nevada, Ohio and Iowa. The jobless rate in Virginia held steady at 5.9 percent for a third straight month.

At his rally in a northern Virginia suburb of Washington, Obama took his riff on amnesia to great length, describing "symptoms" that coincided with Romney's positions on abortion and taxes for the wealthy.

"If you say you'll protect a woman's right to choose, but you stand up at a primary debate and said that you'd be delighted to sign a law outlawing ... that right to choose in all cases - man, you've definitely got Romnesia," Obama said.

"If you say earlier in the year you're going to give tax cuts for the top 1 percent, and then in a debate you say, 'I don't know anything about giving tax cuts to rich folks,' you need to get a thermometer, take your temperature, because you've probably got Romnesia."

Obama said his 2010 healthcare law, which Republicans have dubbed "Obamacare" and deride as a government takeover of the $2.8 trillion U.S. health system, is the cure for "Romnesia."


Romney's campaign shot back that Obama, who has focused a lot of attention on women voters since the debate, has promoted policies that have hurt women particularly.

"Women haven't forgotten how we've suffered over the last four years in the Obama economy with higher taxes, higher unemployment and record levels of poverty," Virginia lawmaker Barbara Comstock said in a statement sent by the campaign.

"President Obama has failed to put forward a second-term agenda - and when you don't have a plan to run on, you stoop to scare tactics," Comstock added.

It is not the first time Obama has used a distorted version of his opponent's name to try to score political points and energize his liberal base. He has used the attack line "Romney Hood" to deride his rival's tax proposals, essentially saying they would rob ordinary Americans to help the rich.

The term "Romnesia" was not invented by the Obama campaign. "Romnesia" appeared on Facebook to mock the Republican presidential challenger and has been used by liberal blogs and newspaper columnists.

Obama later returned to the White House before departing for the presidential retreat Camp David in Maryland, where he will huddle with advisers David Plouffe, David Axelrod and others to prepare for Monday's presidential debate on foreign policy.

Romney arrived in Florida, where he will spend the weekend preparing for that final debate with members of his brain trust, including U.S. Senator Rob Portman and senior adviser Stuart Stevens.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland in Daytona Beach, Florida; Editing by Alistair Bell and Will Dunham)


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Group: Hunger 'critical' in violent area of Sudan

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) ? More than 80 percent of people living in a conflict zone in Sudan's southern region are eating only one meal a day, compared with 10 percent one year ago, a U.S. advocacy group said Thursday, citing research collected from a region where aid groups aren't allowed to operate.

The Enough Project warned that hunger is increasing to dangerous levels in the Sudanese state of South Kordofan. A study carried out by an aid group showed that girls are suffering the worst. Girls in the region have reached a "critical" level of malnutrition, the most serious classification on the World Health Organization's scale. Boys are just below that level, at "serious."

The research was conducted by an aid group the Enough Project said didn't want to be identified. Sudan forbids aid groups from operating in South Kordofan, where anti-government rebels are fighting government troops. Aid workers must sneak into the region by crossing over the border with South Sudan.

Thousands of families fleeing hunger and violence in the Nuba Mountains have streamed into South Sudan over the last year.

Health experts at The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found the aid group's research and methodology to be credible, Enough said. It called the research significant because it is the first international, on-ground assessment of the food situation in South Kordofan since June 2011, when Sudan banned aid groups from operating in the state.

John Prendergast, co-founder of the Enough Project, said the situation in South Kordofan is similar to the conditions seen leading up to the famine in Somalia last year.

"If the international community does not respond to these early warning indicators in South Kordofan, the situation could have devastating consequences for hundreds of thousands of people. Pre-positioning of relief supplies must begin now, and all possible means of delivery need to be explored and, if negotiations over access fail, utilized," Prendergast said.

Sudan's interior minister on Tuesday said that fighting in South Kordofan and the neighboring state of Blue Nile has killed more than 600 people in the last 16 months. The minister said that the military and police sustained heavy losses in battling the insurgency, but he did not break down the figures between civilian, government, and rebel casualties. A spokesman for the rebels ? Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North ? told The Associated Press by phone that his group rejected the figures.

The fighting pits the Khartoum government against rebel groups allied with the guerrilla forces that eventually came to power in South Sudan, but were left on the north's side of the border after the south became independent in July 2011. The separation followed a peaceful independence vote guaranteed in a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of civil war.

Since the fighting in South Kordofan began more than a year ago, access to the remote region by the United Nations and international aid agencies has been restricted by the Sudanese government, making it difficult to verify conditions in the area.

The Enough Project said upcoming harvests will be lower than normal because many people in Nuba have not been planting crops because of the threat of bombardment by Sudanese war planes flying overhead. The aid group's survey found that 65 percent of households in Nuba have less than one week of food in stock.

"This is particularly troubling because food is not readily available for purchase, the harvest is low-yielding, and incomes are scarce or non-existent," the Enough Project said.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Russia Wants Reusable Rockets By 2020

The first flight of a reusable Russian rocket booster that returns to the launch pad under its own power could occur by 2020, Russian space officials say.

The flyback booster, called the Re-entry Rocket Module (RRM), is part of a larger Russian project that aims to develop a partially reusable rocket called the Reusable Integrated Launch Vehicle, or RILV. The RRM would be the RILV's first stage.

The RRM is designed to operate for 100 launches, and its main engine, called the liquid-propellant rocket engine (LPRE), will be initially re-ignitable 10 times, with an ultimate goal of 25 uses. The LPRE will burn liquid oxygen along with methane or kerosene, officials say.

The RRM is being developed for the Russian Federal Space Agency by the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, based in Moscow. [Gallery: 50 Great Russian Rocket Launch Photos]

"We will finish the [RRM booster?s] preliminary design by September 2013, and our next step will be the development of the demonstrator system, which will include an engine like this one [LPRE]," Anatoly Kuzin, Khrunichev?s deputy general director, said Oct. 3 at the International Astronautical Federation?s 63rd congress in Naples, Italy.

The RRM will have four LPREs as engines, Kuzin added. If one fails during ascent, the others will increase their thrust to 130 percent of their normal levels. In addition to conventional rocket technology, the RRM will use aviation components, design philosophies and technologies. After its flight, the RRM will cruise back to its launch site autonomously, using a wing, along with airbreathing jet engines located in its nose.

Two RRM designs are being studied, one with a conventional "pivoting wing" and the other with an aerodynamic "tapered wing." The RRM nose shape is optimized for the aerodynamic needs of re-entry flight and to accommodate the booster?s jet engines, fuel tank, pneumatic and hydraulic mechanisms, and avionics, Kuzin said. The booster?s three-wheeled landing gear is stored in the nose and fuselage. Like an aircraft, the RRM has a vertical fin with a rudder installed in the tail section.

The larger RILV rocket that the RRM will power is being developed under the Russian space agency's Phase 1 Reusable Launch System project. The RILV is envisioned to be a family of four launch vehicles that can put between 55,000 and 132,000 pounds (25,000 to 60,000 kilograms) of payload into low-Earth orbit (LEO).

The 55,000-pound version uses a single, two-stage core and one RRM. The 77,000- and 99,000-pound RILV models use a similar core, but incorporate two RRM boosters instead of one. The 132,000-pound variant uses a longer two-stage core and two RRMs, Kuzin said. The RILV core stage will likely also use the LPRE, which has been in development since 2006.

The RRM will separate from the RILV core stage at an altitude of up to 34 miles (55 kilometers) above the launch site, while travelling at about seven times the speed of sound, officials say.

The RRM will then carry on in a suborbital coast. When it descends to an altitude of about 12 miles (19 km), it will tilt its wing and engage in a turning maneuver using its jet engines. The booster will then cruise home to the launch site?s runway, probably from a distance of about 93 miles (150 km).

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory announced a similar project in 2011 called the Reusable Booster System. The American version would also employ a reusable first stage that could fly back to a runway at the launch site. Instead of using airbreathing jet engines, however, the U.S. craft would rely on its rocket engine to decelerate after staging, then use that engine again to cruise back to the runway. No date has been given for launching a demonstrator system for the U.S. version.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thieves with an arty eye: Heists over the years

(AP) ? A Rotterdam museum art heist this week netted paintings by Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse and others ? but it's not the first time that money-conscious thieves with an eye for beauty have targeted famous multimillion-dollar canvasses. Here's a look at some top art heists over the decades:


In May 2010, in the small hours of the morning at Paris' Museum of Modern Art, a masked intruder made it look as easy as 1-2-3. Taking advantage of a broken alarm system, the thief clipped a padlock, smashed a window and stole a Picasso, a Matisse and three other masterpieces worth $123 million. Fifteen minutes later, the intruder slipped back into the night unnoticed, leaving behind nothing except empty frames. Though his movements were caught on one of the museum's functioning cameras, the three security guards on duty overnight said they "saw nothing." The case remains unsolved.


Zurich police called it an "entirely new dimension in criminal culture." In February 2008, three men, wearing ski masks and dark clothing, entered the Buehrle museum a half-hour before closing on a Sunday. While one used a pistol to force museum personnel to the floor, the two others went and collected four paintings by Cezanne, Degas, van Gogh and Monet worth $163 million. Shocked police called it one of the biggest heists in European history. Luckily, the van Gogh and Monet paintings were recovered in 2006.


In August 2004, two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna," were stolen from the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, by three men wielding firearms in a daylight raid. The thieves forced the museum guards to lie down on the floor while they stole off with the works and escaped in a car, which police later found abandoned. The paintings, insured for $141 million, were recovered with little damage two years later.


In March 1990, two thieves dressed in police uniform fooled staff at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston to pull off the biggest art theft in U.S. history. The pair gained entry at night by posing as Boston police officers and stating that they were responding to an emergency call. Once inside, the thieves handcuffed the two security guards and took them into the basement, where they were secured to pipes and their hands, feet, and heads duct-taped. The thieves made off with some $300 million in art, including works by Dutch masters Vermeer, Rembrandt and French painter Manet. The paintings remain missing. Now, 22 years on, the Gardner robbery remains the largest single property theft of all time.


It's a heist that helped create the celebrity status that Mona Lisa wields to this day. In August 1911, Leonardo da Vinci's enigmatic masterpiece was taken ? brazenly ? from Paris' Louvre museum. Pablo Picasso was among those detained and taken in for questioning by investigating police. The Louvre mourned as it thought the painting had been lost forever. It took two years to discover the real thief: art historians say a Louvre employee called Vincenzo Peruggia had stolen it by entering the building during regular hours, hiding in a broom closet and walking out with it hidden under his coat when the Louvre had closed for the day.


Thomas Adamson can be followed at http:/ /

Associated Press


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Hilary Mantel wins 2nd Booker Prize for Tudor saga

Hilary Mantel, winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction, poses for the photographers with a copy of her book 'Bring up the Bodies', shortly after the award ceremony in central London, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. Mantel, won the 50,000 British pounds (80,000 US dollars) prize. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Hilary Mantel, winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction, poses for the photographers with a copy of her book 'Bring up the Bodies', shortly after the award ceremony in central London, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. Mantel, won the 50,000 British pounds (80,000 US dollars) prize. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Hilary Mantel, winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction, poses with her prize for the photographers shortly after the award ceremony in central London, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. Mantel, won the 50,000 British pounds (80,000 US dollars) prize with her book 'Bring up the Bodies'. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Hilary Mantel, winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction, poses for the photographers shortly after the award ceremony in central London, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. Mantel, won the 50,000 British pounds (80,000 US dollars) prize with her book 'Bring up the Bodies'. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Authors, from left to right, Tan Twan Eng, Deborah Levy, Hilary Mantel, Will Self, holding his book, top, Alison Moore and Jeet Thayil, shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, hold copies of their books during a photo call at the Royal Festival Hall, in London, Monday Oct. 15, 2012. The 50,000 British pounds (80,000 US dollars approx.) prize will be announced Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

(AP) ? British writer Hilary Mantel won the prestigious Booker literary prize for a second time Tuesday with her blood-soaked Tudor saga "Bring Up the Bodies," which the head of the judging panel said had "rewritten the book" on historical fiction.

Mantel, who took the 50,000 pound ($82,000) award in 2009 for "Wolf Hall," is the first British author, and the first woman, to achieve a Booker double.

"You wait 20 years for a Booker Prize, and two come along at once," Mantel said as she accepted the award at London's medieval Guildhall. "I regard this as an act of faith and a vote of confidence."

Mantel, who quipped in 2009 that she planned to spend her prize money on sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll, said "I'm afraid the answer will be much duller this year."

"Rehab," she joked, before adding: "My pension, probably."

"Bring Up the Bodies" is the first sequel to win the prize. It and "Wolf Hall" are parts of a planned trilogy about Thomas Cromwell, the powerful and ambiguous chief minister to King Henry VIII.

Alternately thoughtful and thuggish, trying to keep his head in a treacherous world, Mantel's Cromwell has drawn comparisons to the Mafia don at the center of the "Godfather" saga, and Mantel's novel combines finely wrought prose with thriller touches.

"You can see as much Don Corleone in this book as D.H. Lawrence," said Times Literary Supplement editor Peter Stothard, who chaired the Booker judging panel.

"This is a bloody story," he said. "But Hilary Mantel is a writer who thinks through the blood. She uses her art, her power of prose, to create moral ambiguity."

"Bring Up the Bodies" traces the intertwined fates of Cromwell and the monarch's second wife, Anne Boleyn, who fell from favor when she failed to produce a male heir.

Stothard said the new book "utterly surpassed" the earlier novel, breathing new life into a well-known story. Henry VIII's reign has inspired many fictional treatments, from the acclaimed play and film "A Man for All Seasons" to the soapy TV series "The Tudors."

Stothard said "Bring Up the Bodies" showed "the greatest modern English prose writer reviving possibly one of the best-known pieces of English history."

"This is all well-trodden territory with an inevitable outcome, and yet she is able to bring it to life as though for the first time," he said.

"She has rewritten the book on writing historical fiction."

The judging panel, which included "Downton Abbey" actor Dan Stevens, met for just over two hours Tuesday to pick its winner.

The Booker, established in 1969, usually brings a huge sales and publicity boost for the winner.

Before she won three years ago, Mantel was a critically praised but commercially lukewarm author of novels about everything from the French Revolution ("A Place of Greater Safety") to the life of a psychic medium ("Beyond Black"). Now, the 60-year-old author is a best-selling literary sensation.

"My publishers were always announcing my breakthrough book and it never really happened," she said of her early career. "My fortunes began to turn when I met Thomas Cromwell."

Mantel joins Peter Carey of Australia and J.M. Coetzee of South Africa as a two-time winner of the prize, which is open to writers from Britain, Ireland and the Commonwealth of former British colonies.

Mantel beat five other shortlisted books to take the prize. She had been the bookies' favorite, although Britain's Will Self was also considered a strong contender for the century-spanning stream of consciousness "Umbrella."

Indian poet Jeet Thayil was nominated for his first novel, "Narcopolis," set among heroin addicts in 1970s and 80s Mumbai, and Britain's Alison Moore for "The Lighthouse," about a middle-aged man's life-changing ferry trip to Germany.

The other finalists were Malaysia's Tan Twan Eng for "The Garden of Evening Mists," which centers on a survivor of a World War II Japanese prison camp; and South Africa-born Briton Deborah Levy for "Swimming Home," a portrait of the devastation wreaked by depression.

The prize - officially known as the Man Booker Prize after its sponsor, financial services firm Man Group PLC - always sparks a flurry of betting, and a blaze of literary debate.

Last year's jury, which gave the prize to Julian Barnes for "The Sense of an Ending," was accused of dumbing down after the chair of the panel said finalists had been chosen for "readability."

This year's list was more adventurous. Only Mantel had been a finalist before, and Self is a relentlessly modernist experimenter, while Tan, Levy and Moore are all published by small independent publishers.

Mantel's book was the best-seller on the shortlist, and will now sell in even bigger numbers.

"Wolf Hall" and "Bring Up the Bodies" also are being adapted for television by the BBC, and a stage version is in the works. But Mantel said she was trying not to feel the pressure as she works on the final book in the trilogy, provisionally titled "The Mirror and the Light."

"It is not the Olympics," she said. "It is not a competition. You are only as good as your last paragraph - and I haven't even written one of those today.

"When I start writing again, I'll forget all this, because every day has got its new problems and every day you feel like a beginner. ... It's just you struggling with your subject matter and a blank screen."

Associated Press


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Gruesome Case of Animal Cruelty in Lincoln County, W.Va.; Six Dogs Shot

LINCOLN COUNTY, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- Six dogs are dead in Lincoln County, and the humane officer is trying to track down who's responsible.

"It's heartbreaking," Cindy Vance said. "There's evidence these dogs were dragged up here. It was shot; all the puppies were shot. There was a tote with blood, and they came back and stuck around."

The dogs were found by hunters scoping the mountaintop during archery season. Located near power lines, all six small dogs were dead.

"It looks like at least one of the dogs was dragged up here," Lincoln County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Huffman said. "There were lacerations around the neck from where the rope was tight. You could see where they couldn't get the rope off, so they cut it."

Investigators are hoping anyone who may have noticed something unusual near Sulfur Springs and W.Va. Route 3 in Lincoln County to give them a call.

"This is something that shouldn't be ignored," Vance said. "This is an act of violence. If they can do this to animals, they can do this to anyone else given the chance."


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